
159 posts

Grand prize winning nature photo from Hungary

More than 6000 images were sent to the BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition run by California Academy of Sciences. The Grand Prize went to a Hungarian photographer Zsolt Kudich who shot his photo in the Danube-Drava National Park’s Gemenc Forest capturing great egrets. It is like a painting – said […]

Winter at Lake Balaton: Two photos

In Summer Lake Balaton is most probable the most popular domestic holiday destination for Hungarian people, but in winter it is nearly deserted. At the same time the lake has its own beauty in winter. These two photos were taken by a professional photographer called György Varga (MTI) on 29 […]

Another foreign driver caused fatal car accident in Hungary: 5 died

Last year two accidents happened in Hungary that became international news, as they were caused by foreigners driving through the country In August a Slovak ex-minister’s daughter killed 4 Hungarian people with her BMW X5 luxury SUV, and in October an Austrian Hummer killed a Hungarian policeman in an unclear […]