1. BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) company has launched a new service that is proved to be extremely popular with the tourist and the local people as well. People are boarding D12 at Batthyányi square in the center of Budapest The boats called D1 and D12 have been operating as […]
Did you know that Europe’ s oldest and longest lake-circling race takes place in Hungary? I guess you didn’t. Me neither, anyway. It is called the “Blue Ribbon Regatta” and held on Lake Balaton every summer. Telling the truth I have heard about this event many times from the news […]
In this photo János Pozerka retiree is watering his paprika fields with his self-made irrigation device. The machine is constructed of old bicycles, hoses, pipes and metal grids. As far as I can see it works properly. It is an illustration of the general belief that Hungarian people are considered […]
Dear My Readers, I am writing to you to inform about the heat wave that is baking Hungary right now. During the daytime the temperature is nearly 40 degrees Celsius, and at night it is jut a bit bellow 30. Actually it is not totally unusual here, we have this […]
Yesterday a new spa was opened in Balvazújváros. Its cost was 1.2 billion HUF, partly paid by the EU – says the Hungarian News Agency. In the town it has been the biggest investment in the last 30 years and the decision makers hope it is a milestone of the […]
I have just read that according to Medián public opinion research body, 80 % of the Hungarian population think their country is going in a wrong direction. Well, I am not quite sure that in Europe there are any “good directions” now, but this 80% ratio is pretty frightening. Hungary […]
I am – or I used to be – a keen festival goer, but I have to confess I have never visited the ongoing Volt Festival, which is in my neighborhood. Actually, it is a one-hour car ride from my house. I do not know how it happened, or did […]
Well, it is going to be my second post, and I still don’t want to do the real job; instead I am beating the bushes. For example, I am explaining the blog title. Actually, as far as I know, officially there is not a word like “Pannonland”. At the same […]
Well, I know this is the time when I am supposed to write very clever and uplifting things for a start, but actually I am just testing a system.