Not many people know in the continent, but 1456 is an important date of the history of Europe. Christian forces led by Hungarian general Janos Hunyadi defeated the Turks at Nándorfehérvár (now Belgrade) thus kept back the Muslims to invade Europe. During the siege Pope Callixtus III ordered the bells […]
As I was writing a couple of posts ago, crime psychologist Kata Bándy was murdered in the southern Hungarian town Pécs. The death of the 25-year-old lady shocked the public. There are three elements that kindle people’s emotions in this crime case. First, the victim’s unusual job, second, her age […]
Drinking Coca-cola used to mean that people could believe, at least for a second, that they belonged to the western world – remembered Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán the country’s communist past when the drink was illegal and said to be a “capitalist drug”. The time has changed. Later – […]
The Hungarian Central Statistical Office has just published the current wage figures. According to the statistics in the first half of 2012 the average gross earnings were 220,700 HUF (ca 780 euro, 955 USD) per month. The best-paid jobs can be found at financial and insurance companies ((HUF 464,900 on […]
Some monts ago a unique exhibition opened its doors in Keszthely, in a town on the shore of Lake Balaton. The Cadillac Museum houses one of the biggest collection in Europe, including such interesting pieces like the one, which appeared in Coppola’s The Godfather movie. The bulk of the collection […]
Two young sportsmen from Nagykanizsa hit the road on a special man-powered vehicle to get to the London Olympic Games. The way there and back is calculated to be 4500 kilometres. The carbike (in Hungarian: bringakocsi) is a typical Hungarian D.I.Y. product. It is designed and made by Gyula Szantner, […]
Yes, I know these figures do not have too much to do with everyday life, but it could be quite interesting to see them together. The Eurostat – the statistical Office of the European Union – institute recently publishedthe GDP per capitafigures of the European countries based on the preliminary […]
The German man, whose car was nearly eaten up by the swamp, was lucky all in all. The weird accident happened in the region of Kis Balaton, a unique natural conservation area, which is famous for its wetlands and wildlife, and part of one of the Hungarian national parks. The […]
It is first time in the history of Paris Cinema festival that a Hungarian film wins its main award. At the same time it must be said this is not a complete surprise, because Bence Fliegauf’s film called „Just the Wind” earlier collected the Silver Bear at the Berlinale and […]
Bándy Katahad been reported as a missing person for days when the police announced her body was found in the southern Hungarian town Pécs. According to official police website the young lady, who worked as a psychologist for the police, is thought to have been killed. Police are working at […]