Oliver Stone gives lessons in Budapest

Hollywood director Oliver Stone is in Hungary at the moment to give „master classes” at Puskin Cinema Pin Budapest. At a press conference he said that Hungarian audience is curious and asks him clever questions. Oliver Stone is giving a master class in Budapest. On the right is Andrew G. […]

Bendegúz, the best bull rider in Europe

Everybody knows that Hungarians are good horse riders. They are good at bulls too. Now, it is official. Some weeks ago the 19-year old David Lakatos, who uses the nickname “Bendegúz” won the title of the best European bull rider. The competition took place in France, and the trophy means […]

National Gallop in Budapest

A lady rider Jennifer Vass won this year’s National Gallop in Hungary. The lady represented Budapest Ferencváros in this unique race that takes place every year in Heroes’ Square. Some years ago I visited the Italian town Sienna. In this picturesque historic town every year there is a horse race […]

Luke Skywalker versus Hungarian counter terrorist squad

The story that happened in Budapest on 12 September 2012 could have come from a Hollywood comedy, however, it is difficult to laugh at it. On Wednesday, around midday, the news about a gunned student at Budapest University of Technology (BME) spread fast in the Hungarian media. According to the […]

Budapest trams started 125 years ago

The first tram rails in Budapest were built in 1887 between the West railway station and Király street. It means that the system is 125 years old now, and the anniversary is going to be celebrated in various ways The tram is 125 years old in Budapest  – says the […]

Hungarian Anonymous group caught by the police

It seems that the Hungarian Anonymous group was consisted of a 16-year-old teenager and his 4 fellows– reported the Hungarian police chief at a press conference held in Budapest on Saturday. The investigation was started at the end of August after a website owner turned to the police saying its […]

Hungary gets involved in the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict

The story began in 2004 in Budapest when Azerbaijani national Ramil Sahib Safarov brutally killed his roommate Armenian Gurgen Margaryan with an axe. Both the murderer and the victim were military students participating in a NATO organized language course in the Hungarian capital. Safarov was sentenced of life imprisonment in […]

500 work out with Carl Lewis in Budapest

On Margit Island, Budapest, more than 500 athletes did exercises together. The reason for this sports convention is easy to explain: the instructor’s name was Carl Lewis. The 51 years old, 9 times Olympian Champion arrived in Hungary to promote BudapestHalf Marathon, which will take place on 9 September. The […]

September 9 – The Day of Hungarian Songs

I bet, dear reader, you don’t know too much about the Hungarian songs or Hungarian pop music. No wonder. The country was isolated from the western world for decades, and our exotic language is not a big advantage from this point of view either. Nevertheless, Hungarian pop music has had […]