And what languages can you speak to the operators?
If you have an emergency in Hungary, call
This is the 24-hour emergency number throughout the European Union.

It was introduced 30 years ago, but in Hungary the transition period was quite long, so many locals still think that the emergency services (police, ambulance, fire brigade) can be called directly on 007, 004, 005.
In fact, when you dial these former emergency numbers, the call is routed to 112, where the operator decides which services are needed.
The operator will ask you a few standard questions. Be prepared to answer them clearly and calmly, it will make the assistance faster and more effective.
- Your name and telephone number;
- Location of the incident;
- What has happened, who needs help;
- Is anyone’s life in immediate danger?
- Number of people injured (if any), degree of injury;
- Is the incident still ongoing?
What languages can you speak with the operators?
When the operator answers the phone, he/she says in Hungarian: “Jó napot kívánok. Segélyhívó központ, miben segíthetek?” (Hello, emergency call centre, how can I help you?).
English or German-speaking operators are common among the staff, but there are many more interpreters available at the call centre, so there is a good chance you will be able to speak to someone in your native language, which can be crucial in emergency situations.