The East of the West

Hungarian Anonymous group caught by the police

It seems that the Hungarian Anonymous group was consisted of a 16-year-old teenager and his 4 fellows– reported the Hungarian police chief at a press conference held in Budapest on Saturday.

The investigation was started at the end of August after a website owner turned to the police saying its web server halted because of a hacker attack.

Tho days later the “high-tech department” of the police found a 16-year-old boy from Dunaújváros who is suspected of committing the crime.

Some days later four other people were caught related the hacking action.

The police believe that they have cracked down on the Hungarian Anonymous Group, who are responsible to break into the server of Constitutional Court and rewrote the Hungarian Constitution.

The extreme right political party Jobbik claims that Anonymous attacked some party related websites in April.

According to the Hungarian police the group members did not known each other personally and there is not a specific reason behind the attacks, the group did not make serious damages, they just wanted to be “funny”.

The police have seized a number of communication devices but the five suspects have been released.