Budapest airport temporarily closed

Due to technical problems Liszt Ferenc Airport in Budapest stopped its operation on December 7 Friday. More than 80 flights are affected. The temporary stand still might end on Saturday morning. Spokesman of the airport says the trouble is with electric system of the control tower. Budapest Airport website

Radioactive waste storage opens in Hungary

On December 5, in the south of Hungary, a national radioactive waste cemetary was opened, and the first barell was placed in it. The site, which is located in Bátaapáti, has cost HUF 68 billion and can store 500 containers that is 4600 barrels of nuclear waste. Entrance of the […]

Fireball seen over Hungary (with video)

In the evening of 29 November a fireball was seen over Hungary. The object was spotted in many places in the east part of country (the west part was cloudy). The eyewitnesses report the same: the fireball was very bright, moved westwards, looked liked fireworks, and finally fell into pieces. […]

Friends of Hungary Foundation in the pipeline

According to a government resolution the Minister of National Development has to give USD 15 million to a Friends of Hungary Foundation as founding capital. Besides, the ministry provides it with donation on yearly bases. The mission is the new US based foundation is to strengthen the national identity and […]

Hankook also becomes Hungary’s strategic partner

As I wrote Hungary signed a “strategic agreement” with Japanese car manufacturer Suzuki last week. They came 5thafter such companies as Coca-Cola, pharmaceutical firm Gedeon Richter, aluminum company Alcoa-Kofem and German car manufacturer Daimler. Today, a new member, Korean tire giant Hankook was added to the group. The agreement was […]

Strategic Partnership between Suzuki and Hungarian Government

On 21 November Hungary signed an agreement with Japanese car manufacturer Suzuki. The document of “strategic partnership” was signed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Hungarian Suzuki Ltd. Chief Executive Officer Hisashi Takeuchi. In his speech Viktor Orbán praised the free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan, […]

Video about the Hummer-killed Hungarian policeman

When this story happened in Hungary it quickly became international news. In October, in South Hungary, an Austrian Hummer driver ran over a Hungarian police officer, who later died in hospital. The story sounded as if an everyday road situation escalated into a massive tragedy. The Hungarian media mainly blamed […]

2012 Christmas Fair in Budapest

The location, as usual, is Vörösmarty Square, in the very heart of the Hungarian capital. The fair, which runs until the end of the year, offers folk and applied art products, Christmas presents, but you can also find here food stalls and stages with various cultural programs. Photo: Tamás Kovács […]

Autumn at Orfű Lake, near Pécs: 2 photos

Yesterday the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) published two photos by Ferenc Kálmándy with the title of „Autumn in the Mecsek Mountains”. Well, they definitely brig back memories to me and not only because I used to live in the Mecsek, but I have also had a special relationship with Lake […]

Microsoft Chief meets Hungarian Prime Minister

According to the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met Microsoft’s chief operating officer, Kevin Turner in Budapest. The meeting took place in the Hungarian Parliament on 7 November and there were Hungarian and the Central European top managers of Microsoft as well. Kevin Turner and Viktor […]